Thursday, May 6, 2010

Values Indicators

You have heard it said, 'It is easier said than done.'
This is very true in many aspects of life. None more so than in the area of values. We are all capable of talking a good talk but if you are like me, living out the talk is much more challenging.

Our Pastor at the weekend made reference to the fact that our check book will reveal how much we really are in obedience to God's word and are in tune with His purposes. We may say 'I surrender all' but our check book says 2-3%.

I got to thinking of other indicators.

My calendar. How much time do I spend in the word and prayer as opposed to TV, Sports, friends, yard work (i like yard work) you name it. This can be very revealing and frightening.

My conversation. What do I speak most often about and what do I speak most passionately about? How often does Jesus or matters of an eternal nature grace my conversation.

How often is my conversation God or others centered as opposed to me centered.

I am sure you can think of other values indicators, things that show our true values.

These three are enough for me to deal with right now - I have a bit of work to do on these before I move on to any more.

1 comment:

  1. Very challenging thoughts! I guess the indicators that you mention reveal whether I am truly following Jesus or just "doing it in my Heart" like this video touches on. (my dad just sent me this link a few days ago)

    Blessings! H in Germany
